Monday, 25 August 2008

Reflections in the glass

This was one of my first attempts back in 1999 in response to an exercise we were set - we had to write a piece based on the title 'Reflections in the glass'. Here is the result of that:

Reflections in the glass:

Look at you, A dishevelled looking creature
Who doesn't know anything
About life, health, love...
No, I tell a lie; I do know about love.

The love I had for my family -
That is nothing which can be replaced.
I see them smiling back at me
Trying to give me encouragement.
But in my heart, I know this -
I've let them down in many ways.

Or have I?

The love that was shared by many
Men who gave me false promises.
I see them looking back at me,
Trying to distract me from
The life I now lead.

Or are they?

The new found love in my life now -
My husband who treats me well.
I see his reflection as well as
Those previously mentioned -
Always distracting me.

Or am I distracting him?
Is it me?
Or is these reflections in the glass?

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